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102,076 Men Use This Secret Compound
To Add 3 Inches To Their Member…

“Honey I’m going out ! 

“Wait! You forgot your phon… What the hell?”

Wow! I was not ready for such a huge penis!”

As I watched Lin perform oral sex on that stranger, looking at his huge penis with hunger and excitement in her eyes, I decided I had finally had enough with my tiny little member.

I was devastated.

It was now or never for me, as this became the beginning of an extremely dangerous yet very rewarding journey, one where I saw first hand the untold side of the adult pharma drugs industry and their deadly side effects.

My penis and testicles almost got cut off in the process!

Yet after 10 excruciating months I did it.

I not only saved my manhood but also managed to find a simple, natural and 100% efficient way to increase its length and girth by 82% .

It’s something that broke the medical community in half!

Especially given the fact that I did it with no expensive gadgets, no crazy pumps, no pharma drugs, zero surgery and without doing a single stretching exercise.

They were wrong about all of this!

Despite what the media conglomerates together with their shady medical writers have been posting on their so called mainstream websites…

The real reason why you haven’t been able to achieve that rock hard, stunning increase of your penis before has nothing to do with genetics…

Nor does it have to do with some chronic disease, like they so falsely claim…

It’s a lie and I now have 10 lawyers to back me up!

In fact, as you’ll soon see, your erratic testosterone levels or your painful prostate problems are just a side effect of something much worse happening inside your reproductive system right now.

Something that not only prevents you from increasing your penis in length and girth and achieving savage erections, but is actually shrinking your manhood with every second that goes by.

A dangerous process that has been happening since your childhood and which starts deep inside your bloodstream, spills over your prostate, then passes through the urinary tract inside your penile tissue...

Where it wreaks havoc on your member’s ability to grow longer and bigger…

Breaking research now shows that those born after 1950 are the ones more likely to be affected by this condition…

Which has left over 48 million desperate men with a much smaller than normal penis, dysfunctional erections and prone to life threatening prostate disease.

And now we finally know why!

But worry not! Because in the next 5 and a half minutes I’m going to show you the exact mechanism behind this insidious penis shrinkage process

And what you must do immediately to stop it…

Finally I’m going to give you the key that not only unlocks explosive penis growth , both in length and girth…

It also protects you from prostate disease, urinary infections, cleanses and rejuvenates your entire reproductive system , surges your stamina and energy levels…

And helps you achieve long, powerful, massive orgasms while increasing your sperm production and fertility by 440%....

All that while adding 50%, 60% and even up to a rock-solid 82% increase on your beloved member’s length and girth.

More than 100,000 men all over America and the world have used this program and experienced mind-blowing results.

Verified Purchase

“I used to be at 3.8 inches and now, oh boy, now I’m at 8.0 inches after a couple of weeks! It’s insane. Everyone needs to know about it. Now! Thank you for sharing this!”

Robert F. , 45 years old Purchased 6 bottles

Verified Purchase

“I went from 3.5 inches to 7.7 inches after a short time. Now I am at 8.5 inches and it’s still growing. How is this possible? And not just that, my erections are 5 times stronger and harder. Chris, this is life-changing! Thank you Sir!

Jack Dillinger, 57 years old Purchased 6 bottles

Verified Purchase

“I finally have something thrilling inside my pants. 9.0 inches. Yes! Can you believe it?

9.0 inches. I’m still speechless. Thank you!”

Roger A. , 35 years old Purchased 3 bottles

Hi, I’m Chris Howard, and you should know something about me.

I am not a doctor, didn’t graduate from an Ivy league school, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I’m just a regular guy who once had a dream.

That one morning he’ll wake up to a bigger penis.

A harsh reality that broke my marriage apart and turned me into a walking wreck.

I found out my wife was having the time of her life with a man that wasn’t me, recording their encounters and saving them in her phone's memory like trophies, a reminder of what a worthy and big penis looks and feels like.

When I confronted her, do you know what she said to me?

“Well, what did you expect Chris? To spend the rest of my life pretending I enjoy your tiny little penis? I've had enough! I have needs too!”

I felt like a chore she eventually got rid of!

I hired a lawyer, divorced my cheating wife and made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to fix this problem that has been plaguing me for so long.

I've got to tell you, this quest wasn’t easy at all!

First thing I did was an in depth research for any existing solutions and penis enlargement practices out there.

There was this cream that promised at least 1 inch growth in the first five days. Seriously, I ditched it in less than three weeks. It was nothing more than a sham!

Instead all I’ve gained was a terrible skin irritation that lasted for another month and a half.

Then I tried all the other basic stuff that I could find online.

Stretching exercises, jelqing, more stretching exercises, Indian growth practices, even some weird African rituals but as you can imagine, everything turned out to be nothing more than a big waste of time and money .

Now, I knew deep inside that the only way for growing my penis, as the medical community says, was through surgical intervention and although I didn’t really like this option to say the least, I knew I had to take the hard road.

I looked up opinions and reviews from men who had undergone penis augmentation procedures and stumbled upon horror stories that made my blood run cold.

Not only was the price for this life-threatening procedure $5,000 or more…

But there was a story in the forum thread where a guy, regardless of the bad reviews he read before, was so desperate that he went for it.

He said that the whole thing lasted a couple of hours and felt every single needle pierce him again and again.

So when he got home and unzipped his pants to get a second look at the results, he admired his noticeably larger and thicker penis.

But that was only for a couple of days.

Because after that, his penis started getting purple and said the smell reminded him of how he found a dead raccoon in his trash.

It was like his penis died and was ready to fall off.

After he woke up from a 5 weeks coma, his penis didn’t even get hard anymore and I could only feel his pain when he wrote this message so he warned us not to be that careless.

That was it for me... I didn’t want to risk getting a penis surgery…

So there was one last thing on my research list to try, penis pumps…

Not just one but two different types, automated and manual, just to make sure I covered all the bases.

Now, as they advertise it, these devices increase blood flow, causing swelling and making the penis look larger, feel firmer and longer.

Sure, I was somehow satisfied the first time I used it, but only to notice that my new size didn’t last more than half an hour.

But as desperate as I was, I’ve used it again and again and not just for 5 minutes which is the recommended time but 15 minutes straight.

Now, I have to admit that was extremely stupid , as it caused my manhood to get all red and swollen and not in a good way at all!

You see, the pump sucked a lot of blood inside the upper part of my penis and kept it there for these entire 15 minutes.

So when I finished, the penis was supposed to return to its initial size soon after, but that blood was stuck in my penis’ head.

It looked like a water balloon ready to explode.

The pain was killing me , I could barely walk…

I somehow managed to grab my phone before collapsing onto the floor, while a large sharp pain struck my penis .

Next thing I know I woke up on a hospital bed, with the doctors talking loudly outside my room.

“The blood had been stuck there for too long, we have to cut at least half of it and remove the testicles . We do it now or he won’t make it through the day”.

Those were the last words I heard before falling into unconsciousness.

Apparently, as I later found out, the pump shrunk the veins on my penis and blocked the blood from flowing . From there the blood couldn’t travel anywhere nearby, not even in my testicals.

They were going to castrate me and cut my penis in half and I wouldn’t even have been awake to know it!

Luckily I’m still alive today and somehow I managed to keep both my penis and my balls but for a moment, it could have all been ruined .

It was now my 24th day of medical care and I honestly thought I was going to die alone , with no one to love me, just me and my sad tiny penis.

But sometimes things do happen for a reason, because next to my bed, there was a note from the doctor that saved my testicles and my manhood.

Dr. Gifford.

The note said “I can help you with your problem. Meet me once you feel better,” and below that was his phone number.

Now, I didn’t know Dr. Gifford all that well, hardly at all, so I did a little bit of research before calling him.

He was actually an extremely famous and highly praised surgeon who specializes in the most complicated and difficult penile surgeries and reconstructions and performed penis surgeries on A-list actors and world famous singers.

And yet, this was a professional you wouldn’t see on TV or magazine covers. And it makes sense since he only worked for extremely famous people that had to keep their identity fully concealed.


I Was In Awe.


We agreed to meet at his private lab and let me tell you… the things he said back then, even though now I know they’re 100% backed by real science , it’s still shocking.

“During my career, I’ve met thousands of men like you, Chris.”

“Men in their mid twenties and early thirties with penises from 4, 3, and even 1 inch.”

“And they all hated themselves for that. They couldn’t understand why they were sentenced to live like this . But truly it wasn’t their fault!”

“You see, when it comes to the male penis, most doctors and honestly the entire medical community insists that all this is caused by genetics, corrupted DNA or just bad luck.”

“These people are supposedly professionals, yet they don’t even act like it, because NONE of them are looking in the right direction!

“Actually the problem starts even earlier than your teenage years

You see, in order for babies to receive the nutrients and minerals that are necessary for their gradual and healthy growth, while protecting them from complications and outside dangers, they receive antibodies from their mother's milk, while breastfeeding.

This is how all babies gain immunity from a host of diseases.

But this immunity is not theirs.

This is when I realized it was the mother’s immunity that we had to look into.

According to a study conducted by UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco and Biomonitoring California pregnant women are exposed to so many toxic chemicals that eventually affect their babies.

And this study from Michigan University showed that in the last 50 years, these chemicals reduced testosterone levels and provoked decreased semen quality in men starting from genital issues in newborn boys.

Now, since the babies have already inherited a flawed immunity and are exposed to so many chemicals from such an early age it’s only reasonable that their low levels of testosterone will inactivate the penile tissue and block the growing process.

And even if your testosterone is in abundance you’re still not safe…

On the contrary.

This testosterone is a hormone contaminated by thousands of chemicals that are incredibly harmful for your penis.

You see Chris, your body uses testosterone in different ways for different purposes…

To create semen, develop your body and grow your other masculine traits .

Now, semen is nutritive, it’s basically a bunch of nutrients, minerals and compounds in a liquid, so that’s why your body has no problem in producing it with the contaminated testosterone…

Your body still recognizes it for this specific purpose.

But when it comes to growing tissue, especially penile tissue, things change quickly…

The same testosterone your body uses to create your semen, is not suitable as a “fertilizer” for your penis.

The reason here is that the cells use it as a fuel to build tissue, and when the most important resource in doing it is compromised, the entire process shuts down until it reaches the required purity.

“And what’s worse, your prostate and reproductive system aren’t able to form properly either, leaving you prone to life threatening diseases in your adulthood”

I stood there in shock listening to Dr. Gifford and for the first time I finally understood why I was condemned with an embarrassingly small penis that wrecked my entire life.

“So is there any way to fix all this?”, I asked Dr. Gifford.

“Even though things went this way, that doesn’t mean it’s irreversible. You can actually turn on the switch of the penis growth process .”

“You see, Chris, the human body is capable of amazing things, it never stops sending growth signals to underdeveloped areas such as your penis...”


“It Can Regrow Penis Tissue Any Time In A Man's Life, No Matter The Age.”


“All you need to do is trigger the production of clean testosterone, which would in turn re-start the growing process of your penis.”

“And in order to help your brain assimilate these growth signals and stimulate testosterone levels, your body must flush out the contaminated testosterone that blocked your normal growth in the first place.”

“Now since your body cannot produce sufficient clean testosterone and can’t get rid of chemicals, there are only 2 ways to do that.”

“First one, the long and dangerous way …”

“You could follow counterfeit testosterone replacement therapies. These are extremely dangerous and life threatening treatments which after almost 30 years in the medical field I can absolutely say that I do not recommend”

“They can decrease the size of your testicles and lead to reduced sperm count while they can also cause severe issues to your liver and heart, be the reason for blood clots and even enlarge your prostate.”

“And there’s the other big disadvantage...”

“These particular injections do not treat the root cause of low and bad testosterone. This means that its production will never increase.”

“And this is the reason why some men notice some growth after this therapy but their penis eventually goes back to its previous size because in reality the source of the problem was never treated to begin with.”

“So ask yourself, would it be worth it to endure pain, infections, liver and heart damage and even risk possible death for nothing in return?”

“In order to stimulate the growth process you have to make your body produce clean testosterone on its own , naturally, otherwise it is like you’d try to make coffee by heating your mug with a lighter.”

But not before getting rid of the toxic one that is not even enough.

“And this is the way that will ensure your penis grows in length and girth safely and permanently.

So, as Dr. Gifford explained, we had to safely introduce certain nutrients inside my bloodstream that would flush out the stored chemicals and stimulate the production of clean testosterone.

The next morning we got started.

Our goal was to make sure my body keeps generating the necessary clean hormonal levels for as long as it needs for my penis to fully reach its full potential.

Now, one morning something incredible happened!

As I was about to walk into the shower, my penis just felt heavier than usual.


It Had Finally Happened.


My penis was 2.3 inches bigger and its girth had significantly increased.

Now, after this initial increase, the good news kept coming, a week later my penis was checking in at 6.78 inches.

Another morning I woke up and as I stared at my ruler, my penis was at 7.3 inches.

Soon after I was measuring 7.8 inches.

But then it got even bigger...

I was at 8.4 inches!

The results didn’t just stop here.

I actually lost some of that belly fat I had gained over the years and some of my bald spots were gone.

My hair was fuller, shinier and my energy levels were skyrocketing.

All my stress and anxiety were gone…

And I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I was to look down there...

And finally see my monstrous almost illegal bulge...

It was an extreme feeling of liberation.

I had finally broken free from the shackles that have made me a lonely, insecure guy, my entire life.

And with my new size, my confidence came back high and strong.

Now, it was finally time to do the right thing and share this discovery with all the other men out there.

So we went on public forums, Quora and Reddit and posted a message saying we’re looking for volunteers.

Next day we had 60 men who signed up for a 30-Day program.

100% of the participants reported an increase of over 3, 4, 5 even 6 inches , being able to sustain long, strong erections for more than 30 minutes…

They now have fimer, more pronounced body muscles throughout their bodies…

Their sex drive and energy levels have literally skyrocketed…

And their stamina surged like never before!

Even the most skeptical ones, to their utter shock, got an increase.

Take a look at this!



It Was Absolute Madness!


It was that moment when we knew we had to make it public.

Dr. Gifford used all his connections to make sure we only get top quality ingredients from certified and FDA approved producers.

After over a month of hard work, we finally did it.

I wanted to scream it out loud, as I held in my hands something that would finally give men all over the world an explosive growth of their penis.

We called it...


Alpha X10ND Ultra


With its powerful mixture of 12 carefully selected ingredients…

This program is the only clinically proven and successfully tested solution by over 100,000 m en that's guaranteed to increase your penis size by 2, 3, 4 and even 6 inches…

In just a matter of weeks.

Each ingredient was specifically selected for his penis enhancement properties.

And when combined together in the right quantities, all these superfoods have the ability to generate an explosive growth of your penis.

Every scoop inside Alpha X10ND Ultra is made here in the US, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under extremely sterile, strict and precise conditions.

Alpha X10ND Ultra is non-GMO safe.

It does not contain any stimulants or toxins and they are not habit or tolerance forming.


And What We Achieved Is What Experts Call A Medical Breakthrough…


Here’s a short explanation on how these ingredients work and why they are so powerful…

One: Your body absorbs these powerful nutrients

As soon as you’ve started taking Alpha X10ND Ultra , the nutrient absorption process begins.

We combined 12 powerful ingredients chosen from selected locations all around the world.

All these amazing nutrients are essentials for doing three things:

First, to flush out chemicals affecting your testosterone.

Second, to restart and boost the clean testosterone production mechanism in your body.

And third, to establish the cellular growth of your penis while improving your sexual functions.

Since the ingredients are 100% natural and have been selected due to their purity, your body will immediately start absorbing them.

And the growth of your penis will begin immediately.

Two: Your body clears up the contaminated testosterone and the growing process begins

Once your body has absorbed all these powerful nutrients, the testosterone cleaning process will begin.

This is extremely important…

In order for your testosterone to restart the growth process, it needs a clear way towards it.

To achieve this, we selected a very precise combination of Bamboo Extracts from both steam and leaf.

This powerful formula will clear the low, contaminated testosterone out of your system, so it can make room for the new, clean testosterone needed to begin the growing process.

Both are powerful ingredients, well-known for their high detoxification and antioxidant properties, and sourced the right way, they will do their job effortlessly.

We also made sure to add Hyaluronic Acid, the base of healing and reconstruction of contaminated tissue in your penis, riddled by chemicals.

Hyaluronic Acid will also contribute naturally in filling up the penile tissue once it’s created.

Three: Your body creates brand-new testosterone and new penile tissue starts to form

In order for your penis to restart its growth process, it needs pure fuel to build the tissue.

So, to restart and increase testosterone production, we selected a very precise combination of Bovine Collagen Peptides, Chicken Cartilage and Marine Collagen.

This powerful combination will make your body create and boost testosterone levels.

Why are these compounds so important?

Well, collagen is an amazing and powerful trigger for human testosterone. It instructs cells to produce the required amount your penis needs.

Now, we added 3 types of collagen, all of them known to cover the entire testosterone production mechanism so your penis will benefit the most.

The powerful nutrients also protect and assist the building process, as they also fortify hard tissues like bones and cartilages.

Four: Your penis starts adding inches in length and girth


Now Pay Attention.


Because from this point on, incredible things start to happen.

First, you need to know that since your penis has been deprived from natural development for so long, your reproductive system needs a powerful refresh and rejuvenation so you can enjoy a huge and strong penis at its peak.

To achieve explosive growth and performance for your penis, we didn’t stick only to clean testosterone production, we also carefully selected a proprietary blend of 5 ingredients, including…

The complex mix of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 will set up the stage for the growing process by energizing and empowering penile cells to multiply.

Acerola Cherry, a crucial ingredient which acts like a powerful and natural penile tissue stimulator

Not only will it add inches to your penis , but it also increases blood flow, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure.

And if you struggle with BPH, this ingredient also treats those annoying symptoms, protects your bladder against infections, and is able to stop hair loss.

Then we added Proteins , nutrients your body won’t live without.

These Proteins have so many tasks inside the human body, from building muscle, they allow your body to move and cells won’t be able to form without them.

So, this natural penis enhancer generates a surge in your penile tissue and is so powerful that it renews your entire reproductive system .

And then we added Horsetail Extract , a strong plant consisting of rare natural compounds, used to treat erectile dysfunctions and improve erections…

It will also increase your libido, and will help you overcome years of frustration, anxiety and depression…

Native people have been also using it for centuries to improve sex drive.

We added all these ingredients and nutrients with one single purpose in mind:

To help you grow your penis inch after inch, both in length and girth.

Every single ingredient this natural blend has, supports and guards clean testosterone production for life.

As an added benefit, all these ingredients create a natural armor around your penis, shielding it against toxic chemicals and age related shrinkage.

No other blend that we are aware of can match the effectiveness of this penis enhancement solution.

Five : Your entire body becomes revitalized

In just a few weeks, you’ll start to notice a difference in your penis’ length and girth.

This natural blend will add 30%, 40% and even 82% more to your size.

And there’s more…

Because this blend is so powerful, your body will have enough nutrients that it will help every single part of your body to transform and rejuvenate.

Not only do they help with penis regrowth, but it also helps you eliminate bad cholesterol from the bloodstream…

You will be able to sleep better, it will help with your digestion…

And even with losing weight.

Moreover, this exact combination of these plants reduces stress and anxiety...


Making You Feel Stronger, Happier And Healthier...


And giving you better mental focus, boosting your memory and brain power.

And of course, the ultimate goal for Alpha X10ND Ultra is to help you generate explosive growth for your penis with the help of clean, uncontaminated testosterone.


You probably have two questions by now.

First, how do I get my hands on this?

And second, in which quantities should I take Alpha X10ND Ultra ?

You see...

It’s hard to answer the first question.

When we created Alpha X10ND Ultra we knew that in order for this formula to work, we had to source only the highest quality ingredients.

We looked over 4 continents and dozens of providers…

Until we found the right companies to work with.

This makes our ability to keep a high amount of stock on hand almost impossible.

And then there’s all the men who’ve used Alpha X10ND Ultra and experienced massive success with increasing their manhood…

They are all coming back for more.

For themselves and for their best friends, they want to make sure we don’t run out of Alpha X10ND Ultra and they’re left out.

This makes our stock run out in days, every time a new shipment arrives.

Plus we’re only able to produce Alpha X10ND Ultra in small quantities, since finding high quality ingredients is extremely hard…

But this is the only way to make sure we keep the formula 100% effective.

Since you’re here, your package is reserved.

But if you leave this page, we cannot guarantee supply when you come back.


Regarding how you should use Alpha X10ND Ultra , the answer is easy.

Mix two scoops with a big glass of water after breakfast, lunch or dinner…

Every day for at least 30 days.

It will provide you with the necessary nutrient intake specially designed to destroy any raiming impurities in your tissues and reignite testosterone production...

Increase its levels…

And restart the growing process…


At 100% Power.


Now based on how bad your body was deprived of testosterone since you were born, your blood oxygenation levels and other hormonal imbalances due to chemical effects…

It’s going to be a tough battle.

Your penis is practically guaranteed to grow at least 3 inches, but how will that help you if your erections don’t last for more than 5 minutes…

And your penis is in constant danger of infections and other deadly diseases, because of low testosterone levels and innumerable toxins everywhere?

Sure, you will see the external improvements fast...

But the internal ones…

Well, it may take longer to heal.

That’s why, after analyzing the results of over 100,000 men who’ve successfully used this program...

We recommend taking at least 2 bottles of Alpha X10ND Ultra over a period of 60 days.

And if you want to be completely safe and don’t take any chances, we recommend you take at least 4 bottles, or more, over a period of 120 days.

This way you’ll be absolutely sure your penis achieves its full length and girth...

And stays healthy and strong for the rest of your life.

Verified Purchase

This was the best decision I ever made. I was at 3.0 inches when I started and gradually increased at 4.0, then 5.2, then 6.8 and now I am standing right here being 8.4 inches and still growing.”

Mark J. , 41 years old Purchased 3 bottles

Verified Purchase

“This is incredible. I feel like I am reborn! And in all honesty I am! Chris, this is out of this world. Why isn’t it making headlines? How could it not? Thanks, bud.”

Albert, 44 years old Purchased 6 bottles

Verified Purchase

“ THIS IS TOO GOOD for all these surgeons and urologists to talk about it. My penis got to 5.3 inches in just a few weeks and it not only remained at this size and didn't shrink back but it grew and grew and grew…Until it reached 9.0 inches!!!!”

Rob L, 60 years old Purchased 3 bottles

Verified Purchase

“I was shocked!!! My wife was blown away! This is fantastic! Our sex life is beyond perfect. 10/10 is not enough to describe it. My wife and I thank you a million times!!!!”

Clark V, 37 years old Purchased 3 bottles

Now, knowing all this, $347 seems like a fair price for something that can make you a man again, that can give you back your dignity and to be honest, your sanity.

And it’s definitely less than what you’d pay for life threatening surgery.


Really, No Man Should Ever Let Anyone Slice Into Their Penis!


Yet, Alpha X10ND Ultra , unlike any other product in the world, helps you regrow your penis by treating the root cause of its lack of growth.

Then, there’s the other thing.

Given the difficult conditions we live in these days, it’s very hard for us to know when our next shipment will arrive once we run out of stock.

You see, we only work with FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified producers which makes our mission to find high quality ingredients practically impossible.

Each ingredient was carefully tested and clinically proven to 100% protect and heal your reproductive organs.

But then again, this isn’t about the money for me.

It truly isn’t.

I never want anyone to go through the things I have been through, the shame I felt every time a woman would see my tiny little penis.

The humiliation I felt as my own wife was having oral sex with a strange man, and she even recorded it and told him how big his penis was compared to mine…

I never want any man to feel that!

That’s why today, on this website only, you can get that monster penis you always wanted and regain your life back for just $89.

Now here’s the thing.

Two bottles of Alpha X10ND Ultra will get you that bigger, stronger, thicker penis.

They will also flush out the chemicals from your system, increase sperm production, strengthen your muscles and even help your hair follicles regrow.

All while doing the most crucial part:

Increase the production of testosterone and extend your penile tissue so that your penis can reach your desired king size.

But there is a reason why almost all of our users smartly choose the 4 bottles package.

Once you go with the 4 bottles package, in just 4 months from now you’ll be able to add 3, 4 and even 6 inches more on your penis size...

It’ll ensure that your penis will reach its maximum size and full potential, and until the process is completed your testosterone levels will remain in super high levels, giving you better defined muscles, skyrocketing energy levels and even boost your memory and focus.

Many years from now you’ll still be the same incredibly well hung stud with a steel-strong and pole-long glorious penis, ready to rock any girl’s world as soon as you enter her bedroom.

And of course, we want to help you as much as we can, and because I know how important it is to achieve real growth of your penis and also keep it healthy and strong even in your late 90s...

After talking to our manufacturer, we are able to offer a huge discount on the 2 and 4 bottle packages when you place your order today.


Sounds Good?


Take a look below now.

Once you select your package and hit the button below , you’ll be taken to our secure order page.

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It takes less than a minute to enter your payment information and once your order is confirmed we’ll discreetly ship Alpha X10ND Ultra straight to your doorstep.

No one besides you will know what’s in there.

It’s a promise!

So go ahead and select below now while stock lasts!

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Our customers rated the 6 bottle package


based on 13,302 reviews!

Now this may be a little shocking to you and I understand.

So let’s change that right now.

Dr. Gifford and I put everything we had into this program and we sure as sunlight stand behind it.

That’s why with every bottle of Alpha X10ND Ultra you get an iron-clad 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

It works like this:

You select one of the packages below and hit the buy button.

Secure Your Discounted Alpha X10ND Ultra Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$89 per
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Today only $99 $89
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6 bottles 180 Day Supply
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Our customers rated the 6 bottle package


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BuyGoods is the retailer of this product. BuyGoods is a registered trademark of BuyGoods Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1201 N Orange Street Suite #7223, Wilmington, DE, 19801, USA and used by permission. BuyGoods role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Copyright © 2024

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: March 1, 2020

This website (“Website”) is the property of (“we,” or “us”). We respect our user’s privacy, and we understand the importance of the information you entrust to us. This Privacy Policy describes our practices concerning the information we collect from you when you visit and use our Website.

Among other things, this policy describes the types of information we collect when you visit our website or utilize any of its functions, how we use and protect that information, how long we retain it, and with whom we share it. It also explains what your rights and options are as they pertain to that information. By visiting this website or using our Service, you consent to our collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

This policy is incorporated into and made a part of our Terms of Service.

1. GDPR Compliance Statement: Pursuant to the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and is the “Data Controller” with respect to all of the information collected from visitors to our Website and users of our Service. To ensure compliance with the GDPR, we have incorporated the following practices and procedures:

(a) We verify that the third parties with which we share User information are GDPR compliant;

(b) We ensure that data is stored in a manner that facilitates our ability to locate and delete information pertaining to a specific user upon request;

(c) The manner in which we use the information we collect are limited to those discussed in this Privacy Policy;

(f) If we modify any of the terms of this policy, we inform all of our Users; and

(g) We have appointed an internal Data Protection Officer who is responsible for overseeing our privacy and data protection procedures and will serve as the individual point of contact for information access and deletion requests.

2. Information We Collect. We collect two basic types of information from our Users:

(a) Personal Data:

(i) What is Personal Data? Personal Data is information that pertains to you specifically, and can help identify you as a person. We collect Personal Data from you whenever you complete a contact form on our website, including your name, email address, phone number, country, city, state, and zip code. You may also provide us with additional Personal Data in any email messages you send to us, or in the form of user forum posts or chats.

(ii) When and How do we collect it? We collect Personal Data from Users when: (1) they submit a contact form on our website; (2) initiate an online chat with us; or (3) submit a post to our User forum. In addition, when you visit our Website we will record your IP address and/or unique mobile device identifier. Under ordinary circumstances, an IP address recorded in isolation is not Personal Data under the standard definition of the term. However, it may become Personal Data when it is combined with other information, such as an email message.

(iii) How do we use Personal Data? We use Personal Data to communicate with you and respond to your requests. We may also use your email address to send you account related notices and promotional marketing materials. We use your IP address to identify your location in order to provide you with notices and other information that may be required by your local regulatory authority.

(iv) Where is Personal Data Stored? All Personal Data collected from Users outside and within the United States will be transferred and to and stored on the Amazon Cloud.

(b) General Information:  General Information consists of information that is anonymous in nature and does not identify you as an individual.  This includes your computer IP address, unique mobile device identifier, browser type, ISP or carrier name, and the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting our website. This information gives us insights on how our users use our site and our other products. We collect this information by using “cookies”, which are small bits of computer code that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive via a web browser, which enable us to record the general information described above. We use this information to ensure that our service continues to appeal to our users.

(i) How do we use General Information?  General Information gives us insights on how people use the Service, and helps us to maintain, modify, and enhance it. We use cookies to help us customize your experience when using the Service. We also use services provided by Hotjar, Google Analytics, Facebook, and ZenDesk, which set cookies for each User when they visit our site or use our Service.  

(ii) Where is General Information Stored? All General Information collected from Users outside and within the United States will be transferred and to and stored on servers located in the Amazon Cloud.

3. How We Share information. We will not share Personal Data with third parties for marketing purposes without your consent. We will share Personal Data with certain third parties in the following ways:

(a) Service Providers:  We utilize the following third-party service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf and must share certain information (including Personal Data) with them in order for them to do so. However, the information that is shared is limited to that which is necessary to perform their specific functions:  

(i) Amazon Web Services hosts our website (click here to view their privacy policy);

(ii) ZenDesk provides us with customer support and chat services (click here to view their privacy policy):

(iii) mazon SES provides us with email support services (click here to view their privacy policy);  

(iv) Google Analytics provides us with website analytics services (click here to view their privacy policy).

(v) Hotjar provides us with website analytics services (click here to view their privacy policy).

(b) Law Enforcement:  If requested or required by law enforcement authorities, courts, or regulators, we may disclose any information we have about our users. We also may disclose your Personal Data to exercise or protect legal rights or defend against legal claims.

(c) Bulk Asset Transfers: In some cases, we may choose to buy or sell assets. In these business transfers, customer information, including Personal Data, is typically one of the business assets that are transferred. Moreover, if all or substantially all of our business assets were acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter into bankruptcy, customer information (including your Personal Data), would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any assets may continue to be used according to your Personal Data as set forth in this policy.

(d) Other Third Parties: We may reserve and have the right to disclose any information about you or your use of our Service without your prior permission, if we in good faith believe that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of our company or its affiliates, other Users of the Service or the public.

4. How We Protect Information. We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data we collect against unauthorized or unlawful access and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. We also limit access to User information to employees who reasonably need access to it in order to do their jobs. However, because no security system can be 100% effective, we cannot completely guarantee the security of any information we may have collected from or about you. In addition, we have no control over the security of other web sites that you might visit even when a link may appear to those web sites site from our Site. If you share your computer or use a computer that is accessed by the general public, remember to log off and close your browser window when you have finished your session.

5. How Long We Keep Information. We retain Personal Data and General Information for as long as necessary to fulfill a business purpose or comply with a legal request. We may also choose to anonymize certain elements of the information you provide to us so that it can no longer be attributed to you if we would like to retain it for longer periods of time. You may also request that we delete your information in the manner described in Section 6.

6. Your Options and Rights. We currently offer Users the following options with respect to the manner in which we collect, use, and maintain information, or to otherwise exercise their rights under applicable privacy statutes:

(a) All Users:  You may request that we stop sending you non-account related emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link that is included at the bottom of non-account related emails. You may also request that we delete the information we collected from and about you by contacting our Data Protection Officer. You may also request that we not share your Personal Data with one or more of the third parties we share it with. Be advised, however, that this may limit or prevent you from using our Website.

(b) EU Citizens: If you are an EU citizen, you may request that we provide you with (or delete) all the information we collected from and about you, or otherwise exercise your rights under the GDPR by contacting our Data Protection Officer. Data reporting and deletion requests will be processed free of charge within thirty (30) days.

(c) California Residents:  Under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”), if you are a California Resident you may request information regarding the types of Personal Data we share with third parties for direct marketing purposes, and the identities of the third parties with whom we have shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. You may request further information about our compliance with CalOPPA by contacting our Data Protection Officer. Please note that under CalOPPA, we are only required to respond to one request per User each year, and we are not required to respond to requests made by means other than through requests submitted to our Data Protection Officer.

7. Tracking Technology and Do-Not-Track Requests. We employ certain applications that may enable us to track your online activities over time and across third-party web sites. We honor Do-Not-Track requests transmitted by Web browsers.

8. Children under 13. Our Website is not intended for users under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 18. If we become aware that a person submitting information is under 18, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible.

9. Modifications to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend, alter, or otherwise change this Privacy Policy at our sole and absolute discretion. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will notify all Users by a pop-up on our website. Further use of the Website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

10. Questions. If you ever have any questions about this policy or the Personal Data and General Information we have collected please contact our Data Protection Officer. We respect your rights and privacy, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Data Protection Officer Contact:
[email protected]

Terms of Service

Effective Date:  March 1, 2020


Terms of Service document (“Terms”) is a legally binding agreement between you and ("the Website", “we” or “us”), and governs how you may use this website (“the Website”). If you choose not to agree with any of these Terms, you may not use the Website, and must leave immediately. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY, WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE.

We reserve the right to take any action we deem appropriate if we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, that you have engaged in any of the prohibited activities described below, or otherwise violated these Terms. Such action may include cancelling your account, terminating your license to use the Website, or initiating civil or criminal legal proceedings. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the Website.

These Terms do not apply to any of the products or services we offer that are described on this Website (our “Services”). The specific terms relating to your use of any given Service and how we collect, store, and share any information from or about Users of that Service, are detailed on the Service’s website.  

1.Website Description. The Website is intended to: (a) describe our company and its products; (b) enable Website visitors (“Visitors”) to contact us; and (c) enable us to interact with Visitors via live chat; and (d) Provide users of our Services (“Users”) with access to our customer forum. We reserve the right to modify or change the Website, or any portion thereof, and any applicable policies or terms at any time, without notice. We may also modify, suspend, interrupt or terminate operation of or access to the Website or any portion thereof, for any reason at any time, without notice.

2. End User License Agreement (EULA). We hereby grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to access and use the Website. The term of your license shall commence on the date that you visit the Website and will end if terminated by either you or us. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your license if you use the Website in breach of the terms set forth herein. We retain all right, title and interest in and to the Website, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, and all other rights whether registered or not and all applications thereof. The Website is protected by applicable laws and treaties worldwide, and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from us.

3. Age Restriction. The Website is not intended for minors under 18 years of age, and you may not register or use the Website if you are under 18. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.

4. License Prohibitions. You may not utilize the Website in any manner or for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. You are further prohibited from engaging in any of the following activity:

(a) Copying, creating a derivative work of, attempting to access the underlying code of the Website;

(b) Interfering with or disrupting the Website, or servers and networks connected to the Website;

(c) Reproducing, printing, storing, or distributing any content on the Website without our prior written permission;

(f) Using the Website to violate any law (whether local, state, national, or international); or

(g) Disseminating or transmitting any worms, viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files, code, programs or other similar technologies; or uploading software viruses or any other computer code, files, programs or other similar technologies designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

5. Privacy. Our use of your personal information is governed by the terms of our general Privacy Policy, which is made a part of these Terms by this reference. Except as set forth in the Privacy Policy, we will not sell, exchange, or release your personal information to a third party without your express permission, unless required by law or court or governmental order.

6. User-Submitted Content. The Website offers interactive chat functionality, discussion forums, or other interactive features in which you may submit information and post or upload user-generated content, comments, video, photos, messages, other materials or items (collectively, “User Content”). You are solely responsible for your use of any Interactive Areas and you use them at your own risk. Further, you agree that any User Content you upload, post, or otherwise transmit will be truthful and accurate, and will not:

(a) Defame, harass, stalk or threaten others;

(b) Include expressions of bigotry, racism, offensive content, hate speech, abusiveness, vulgarity or profanity;

(c) Contain pornographic or sexually explicit content, or be considered obscene, lewd, or otherwise inappropriate;

(d) Violate or encourage the violation of any rule, regulation, or statute;

(e) Contain threats of violence, or any other threat to personal or public safety; or

(f) Infringe upon any third-party copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of such copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right.

7. Consent to communicate with the company and its agents

This consent confirms the fact of your acceptance of the terms of communication with our company, our employees, and agents, as well as third parties to whom the right to appropriate communication may be delegated. The above-mentioned persons can communicate with you in any way of their choice and at any time, 24/7.

Ways to communicate with you are (listed below, but not limited to)

(a) By automated dialing.

(b) By automatically sending pre-prepared SMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(c) By automatically sending pre-prepared MMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(d) By automatically sending pre-prepared audio/video-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

This communication consent is valid regardless of the presence of your telephone number on any state, federal or corporate «Do Not Call» list.

This consent contains restrictions that do not allow us to send subscribers more than 60 SMS-messages per month

This communication consent is valid for 36 months from the date of its adoption. In turn, this consent is automatically prolonging for another 36 months after its expiration, on the principle of tacit consent, unless you have notified us about the desire to revoke this consent / written refusal to automatically prolongate the consent/application for revocation (withdrawal of consent).

This permission may be terminated at any time by notifying us of your desire to terminate this consent.

SMS communications work with the following carriers: AT&T®, Sprint®, Boost®, Verizon Wireless®, U.S. Cellular®, Cellular One®, and T-Mobile®, MetroPCS®. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.

To receive assistance, the subscriber must write an SMS "HELP" in response to the received SMS. SMS-message «STOP» is considered an appropriate message about the desire to revoke this permission.

T-Mobile® is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

8. Copyright. We respond to properly submitted notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe that your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us with the following information: (i) a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf; (ii) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (iii) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; (iv) your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (vi) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Under the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, our designated copyright agent for notice of alleged copyright infringement appearing on the Websites is:

Attention: Copyright Agent

Address: 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware, US

We reserve the right to remove any content alleged to be infringing without prior notice, at our sole discretion, and without liability to you, and/or to terminate your account if it is determined that you knowingly posted infringing content.

9. Assumption of Risk & Limitation of Liability. You expressly agree to assume any and all risks that may be associated with using our Website. In no event shall we be liable to you or any other party for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, however and wherever arising, that may result from your use of any element of the Website, including without limitation to losses incurred due to: (a) any monetary loss; (b) software glitches, server failures, power outages, or any other issue beyond our control; (c) any delays in or failure of the Website to operate as described; (d) any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from the submission of User Content; or (e) any unauthorized disclosure of account information that may occur through the actions of any third party, such as hackers.

10. Indemnification. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, together with its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Website; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or (iv) any claim that your use of the Website caused damage to a third party. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms and your use of the Website.

11. No Warranty. We make no representation or warranty that: (a) the Website will be free of errors, bugs, or glitches, or that any such error, bug, or glitch will be corrected; (b) servers that house the Website are free of viruses or other malicious code; and (c) your use of the Website is in compliance with the Terms of Service of any third party, including, without limitation, third party social media services. THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.  WE PROVIDE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER REGARDING ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR DELIVERY, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR TITLE.

12. Arbitration Agreement. THIS SECTION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF YOUR RIGHTS. You agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims that arise out of or relate to your use of the Website. Therefore, you agree that, by using the Website, YOU ARE WAIVING YOUR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY or to participate in any class action based on or involving claims brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public, other users, or other persons similarly situated. This agreement to arbitrate includes, but is not limited to, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to your use of the Website. Any such dispute shall be determined by arbitration to be held in Palo Alto, California before one arbitrator. Any party to an arbitration proceeding may appear remotely by telephone or Internet. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This clause shall not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.

13. Choice of Law; Forum. You agree that the Website shall be deemed based in California, USA, and is housed on a passive server that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over our website, either specific or general, in any jurisdiction other than California. This document shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of law rules. Any claim or dispute you may have against us, whether subject to mandatory arbitration or otherwise, must be brought in Palo Alto, California. For any matters not subject to mandatory arbitration, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Santa Clara County, CA for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes. All claims filed or brought contrary to this section shall be considered improperly filed. Should you file a claim improperly, we may recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, provided that we have notified you in writing of the improperly filed claim and you have failed to withdraw the claim promptly.

14. Limitation of Actions. Any claim or cause of action arising out of your use of the Website must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or it shall forever be barred, notwithstanding any statute of limitations or other law to the contrary. Within this period, any failure by us to enforce or exercise any provision of these Terms or any related right shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.

15. Modification and Notice of Changes. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove any element of the Website and portions of these Terms, without advance notice to you. We will notify you of any changes to these Terms by posting a notice on the Home page of our website. Except as stated elsewhere, such amended terms will be effective immediately and without further notice. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes.

16. Entire Agreement and Severability. These Terms and any document incorporated by reference herein, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Website, superseding any prior agreements between us. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court or other binding authority to be invalid, the remaining provisions contained in these Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

17. For Residents of Certain States.If you are a California resident, by using the Site, you explicitly waive the rights granted to you under California Civil Code 1542, which states: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California residents are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

If you are a New Jersey resident, certain sections of this Terms of Use may not apply to you pursuant to the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty, and Notice Act.  Additional states may not allow an exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to these Terms, please contact us via our contact form or email us at:

[email protected]

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NOTE: By promoting our offer you agree to follow our affiliate terms. Any affiliate caught breaking these terms will be immediately blacklisted.

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Affiliate Terms of Use

All Affiliate advertising must NOT include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines. All affiliates (regardless of their country of domicile) MUST be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including without limitation the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM Act”), Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) regulations and guidelines implementing the FTC Act and the CAN-SPAM Act, the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (“FTC Testimonials Guide”), the National Advertising Division decisions of the Better Business Bureau, and other federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Affiliates are NOT permitted to use ANY of Alpha X10ND Ultra before and after photos, or user testimonials in their promotions. Affiliates may not bid on “Alpha X10ND Ultra” based keywords, use the term “Alpha X10ND Ultra” in any pay per click ads, use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are similar to ‘scam’ or ‘fraud’, or create customer incentives for purchasing Alpha X10ND Ultra (through cash rebates or 3rd party bonus offers – NO BONUSING!).

Affiliates must also NEVER use any full or part of images or videos (including our sales and promotional video) that they do not own (unless given permission by this website), and are forbidden from using any imagery that would imply any personal endorsement (celebrity or otherwise) without written consent from both the individuals making the endorsement and Alpha X10ND Ultra.

Affiliates must NEVER link directly to our checkout pages, our discounted checkout page, nor the discount sales page. All affiliate traffic must pass through our website. Affiliates must never attempt to sell our product at a discount. This includes creating discount offer pages linking directly to the checkout. Any affiliate caught doing this practice will be blacklisted immediately. All affiliate traffic MUST come through our sales page.

Affiliates are forbidden from creating web pages, social media pages or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of Alpha X10ND Ultra product and must make it clear that the page is a review page. It is strictly forbidden to create apps for sale or for giveaway using Alpha X10ND Ultra brand. You are also not allowed to create any other products using our brand name, for sale or for giveaway (in other words – no free reports, books, workouts, or apps branded with our brand name whatsoever). In short, do not represent a product created by you or someone hired by you as ours.

You are not allowed to promote Alpha X10ND Ultra on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us). As well, selling products branded with Alpha X10ND Ultra brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.

Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Alpha X10ND Ultra from any lawsuits, investigations, claims, or complaints arising from any such violation or alleged violation of the terms above. Alpha X10ND Ultra shall not be responsible to approve any Affiliate Ads. Compliance is solely with the Affiliate and the Affiliate represents and warrants that it shall have legal review of all Affiliate Ads for all necessary and required compliance. Affiliates take full responsibility for their advertising.

Any affiliate caught breaking any of these terms will be banned immediately without hesitation, and will not be eligible for reinstatement.

Returns & Refunds

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For every order you place with us, you are fully protected by a 60 day 100% money-back return policy.

Here’s how it works:

If for any reason you are dissatisfied at any time during the 60 days after purchase, simply send us the product back by mail to the address you’ll find below.

Once we receive your product, we’ll start processing your refund which will take between 3 to 5 days.

To be eligible for a refund, your refund request should come no later than 60 days after we shipped your product to you. You can find the date on the package when you receive it or inside your confirmation email.

Send your product return by mail to:

19655 E. 35th Dr. #100, Aurora, CO 80011

Please keep in mind that we do not support the return shipping costs.

Follow these steps to get a refund:

  1. Fill the Return and Refund Form you received with your order.
  2. Send us back the product at the above address.
  3. Please be patient, we’ll refund your order in no time, once we receive your package. We’ll also send you an email and let you know it has been done.

Finally, and this is totally optional and at your discretion, we sure would appreciate it if you would include some explanation for why you’re requesting a refund, so we can work to make the product better.

We want you to be completely satisfied and we appreciate your feedback.

If you have any questions about the product, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact us at by email at [email protected] or simply fill out the form below.